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Our Mission

The Well is Christ-Centered, inspired by The Holy Spirit, offering change through The Truth of the Word of God.

Well of Life Coaching exists to come alongside students and young professionals to help & encourage them through life’s struggles.

They receive intentional personalized life coaching, biblical counseling, and mentoring from trained coaches for needed support and healing!

   REAL Life!

         REAL Problems!

                REAL Talk!

We want you to be healed, recovered,

set free….


NOT to be dependent on any medication, psychotherapy, or counselor. What you’ve been through – your hurts, mistakes, and struggles… God will use them for your good.


“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” – Jer 29:11

We listen to the problems & struggles that young adults are facing in their every day lives and provide solutions through the lens of biblical wisdom and counsel.

We are not ashamed of the Gospel. Biblical counseling, by definition, focuses on the two words that define it—“biblical” and “counseling.”

By biblical, we mean taking the Bible as the reliable, sufficient, and trustworthy Word of God. By counseling, we mean walking alongside you.

Biblical counseling is concerned with taking the truth of Scripture and applying it to your life to discover purpose and God’s love.


Living Water is Life Changing!

“Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” – John 4:14


Counseling thrives when it is centered on the Word of God as a whole, not in part. The Well is His Word… a living Water.
All purpose, hope, and love springs from this. The words on this page are His Word. 

Take a drink and enjoy some living water.

Hi friends!

I’m Joe! Well-Come to The Well.

I’m unashamedly Christian. I’m Healed, Restored & Recovered from my own past diagnosed “mental illness.”
I’m thankful for His grace.

Here’s my Credentials, Certifications & Licenses.

  • Masters of Education (M.Ed.)
  • Certified Life Coach
  • State of Ohio Teaching License
  • Adult & Youth Mental Health First Aid Certification
  • Working with students in schools for over 10 years
  • Experience as a Camp Counselor & Youth Group Leader
  • Approved Background check
  • Officially & Unofficially mentoring, counseling, and discipling for two decades
  • Countless Testimonials & Recommendations!

I haven’t succeeded by working harder or doing better… As I got closer to God, He revealed my upside down thinking. I now ask for His guidance and wisdom.

It used to be my plan for work; Now it is His plan for my work.

1 John 2:6 – “He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.”

Our Success Is Your Healing!

Welcome to The Well.


 “Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” – Proverbs 16:3


This enterprise is a testament of God’s goodness and the result of a step of faith. It is an idea that God placed on my heart and has been brewing for years.

God has closed doors for traditional jobs. After much prayer, He led me to start The Well. 

God has me exactly where He wants me. What is more important than helping others? Lets focus on what is really important!

For God’s glory…
For the benefit of YOU.

Talk with a Christian coach who cares.

Meet in a comfortable environment at a time that works for you.