Program for



Primary Purpose

To address the specific needs of athletes, addressing deficiencies, providing holistic support, and emphasizing team building, culture and character.

This in-turn optimizes team performance and individual athlete development.

The PAW is built

to be Proactive, not Reactive.


1. Invest in athletes, allowing them to grow holistically, receive lasting healing, and develop identity outside of sports.
2. Provide the needed support and resources through life events and personal struggles.
3. Build team chemistry within an environment of support and trust.
4. Deliver specialized athlete life skills and wellness programming to educate and equip.

• Special consideration:
– Demands of the sport setting
– Unique needs of athletes
– Stresses of athletic competition

Life is not perfect. Even winners have breakdowns.

Being taught to exhibit toughness and willpower through difficulty has conditioned athletes to
persevere and NOT allow themselves to need help from others.


For Student-Athlete →

Personalized Life Coaching.
Biblically-based Counseling.
Guidance & Mentoring.
Mental health & Wellness.
Social Skills.
Emotional IQ.
Holistic growth.
Character development.

For Team →

Team Culture Change.
Team Building.
Team-Specific Needs.
Coach Support.


The PAW provides a range of opportunities to engage Athletes and strengthen them...


As a TEAM,


Speaking Engagements

See Topics

• Athletic Identity
• Athletic Culture
• Athletic Psyche
• Athletic Stressors
• Balance & Demands
• Healthy Environment
• Team Dynamics
• Coaching Impact
• Team Continuity
• Unified Vision

Team Workshops

See Topics

• Adversity
• Balance
• Communication Techniques
• Conflict Resolution
• Coping Skills
• Decision-making
• Distractions
• Division
• Fear
• Goals
• Identity
• Mental Health
• Relationships
• Respect
• Role
• Self-image
• Selfishness
• Social Skills
• Stress
• Team Building
• Thankfulness
• Trust
• Words

Interactive Presentations

See Topics

• Academic Success
• Achievement
• Addiction
• Barriers to Help-seeking
• Body Image
• Burdens
• Captain Leadership
• Career Preparation
• Coach Expectations
• Coach Relationship
• Comparison
• Cultural Competency
• Depression
• Emotional Intelligence
• Expectations
• Gladiator Mentality
• Failure
• Faith
• Financial Literacy
• Forgiveness
• Goal-setting
• Injury
• Leadership
• Losing
• Morals & Ethics
• Perfectionism
• Performance
• Perseverance
• Playtime
• Pressure
• Prioritizing
• Practice
• Productivity
• Professional Development
• Proper Nutrition
• Purpose
• Rehab
• Self-Care
• Self-Confidence / Self-Talk
• Self-worth
• Service
• Shame & Guilt
• Sleep
• Spiritual Life
• Stress Management
• Teamwork
• Time Management
• Toughness
• Transition
• Trauma & Trials
• Travel
• Wellness
• Work Ethic

Maximize athletic toughness and willpower. Build team over individuals. Harness athletic drive. Win in life.

The PAW engages athletes, works alongside coaches, delivers impactful team presentations, creates educational programming, offers biblical counseling and life coaching.


Athletics Experience

  • Over 15 years in athletics
  • 8 years working with professional athletes
  • 7 years working with collegiate athletes
  • 3 years working with high school athletes




  • Stanford University School of Business Certification – NFL Program for Business Managers
  • Work with 5 professional sports teams

I saw a need. I experienced the need. And it has led me here:

Working with many quality organizations has equipped me with the knowledge and understanding on the culture, psyche, identity, and expectations in athletics.





Thesis Qualitative Study: Exploring the Interaction of Participation in Intercollegiate Sports and Stress in College Athletes

ACSD Conference Presentation – Exploring Mental Wellness in College Athletes

University of Michigan: Depression on College Campuses Conference – Poster Presentation

PAW Services

Athlete Coaching Session

50 minutes  ($100)
*HALF PRICE for student-athletes.

Schedule counseling or coaching sessions tailored to the life of an athlete.

Athletes face different demands, expectations, and stresses. We specialize in addressing those needs through extensive experience in sports working with pro, college, and high school athletes.

Athletic Event Speaking Engagement

45 minutes
(starting at $250)

Tired of traditional motivational speeches? What’s the difference between team success and failure? Does your team foster camaraderie or a “cancer culture”?

From a winless season to a bowl victory, Joe will pull from his experience and biblical teachings to illustrate ways to make the most of a team… and keep you engaged along the way!

Interactive Team Presentation

60 minutes
(starting at $250)

So many outside factors affect and impact the lives of athletes. We understand that coaches often do not have the time or capacity to address these aspects of life.

We work with you to identify specific topic(s) that will help the team grow. Then  we build an engaging presentation intended to stick with your team throughout the season!


Team Building Workshop

90 minutes
(starting at $250)

Looking to build team chemistry? Need help through transition? Trying to establish trust?

Transform your team from the inside out through one or more workshops designed to bring your team closer together.

The health of the team determines the success of the team. Let’s address what’s at the heart of your team, and help the team function more like a team!


Program ROI

  • Enhanced Productivity
  • Improved Holistic Wellness
  • Improved Performance
    • Increased Sales
  • Recruiting Tool
    • Most schools have nothing comparable
  • Marketability for Athletic program
    • Advanced holistic development & wellness
    • Unique Specialized Resources
  • Validation from Athletes
    • Positive Media Coverage
    • Word of Mouth among Peers
  • Improved Character
    • Less Disciplinary Issues
  • Greater Accountability
  • Increased Retention & Graduation Rates
  • Improved Athletics Prestige
  • Increased Departmental Collaboration

Sports Science Institute

Achieving NCAA tenets

    • Engaging Mental Health
    • Increasing Well-being
    • Enhancing Collegiate Experience
    • Increasing Campus Involvement
    • Improving Health & Safety
    • Developing Character
    • Providing Advanced Resources

About The PAW

Athlete’s learned gladiator mentality conflicts with the very concept of counseling.

Brown, 2014

Mind, Body and Sport

Vision Statement –

The PAW seeks to enhance the well-being and holistic development of athletes, investing in them and connecting them to resources. Strengthened by a biblical foundation, The PAW helps them to overcome hurdles and equips them with tools for life.

Athletes often wait too long, not realizing when they reach a point at which when they need to seek help.

Athlete’s personalities lean towards:
– Perceived emotional fortitude
– Inner strength
– Mental toughness

Our Mission

• Deliver specialized wellness & life skills programming
• Recognize signs & symptoms to address needs
• Foster the holistic development of athletes
• Provide accessibility to connect resources
• Encourage help-seeking & reduce stigma
• Enhance athletic culture & atmosphere
• Increase student-athlete retention
• Create an environment of support
• Support academic performance
• Foster character development
• Equip & Empower leaders


Straight from the Athletes…

Athletes often continue to resist treatment even when the illness is negatively affecting athletic performance.

Glick, Morse, Reardon & Newmark, 2010

Society for Sports Psychiatry

“I couldn’t say [to Coach] my mental health was poor.”

“I never felt valued as a person. As a student – yes. As an athlete – yes. But that’s it.”

“I can’t even think of how many times a teammate was down… and they played like crap.”

“When Coach asked if okay, I said, ‘Yeah.’ I’m not gonna say, ‘No, my life is in shambles.’ ”

“Guys needed a place to share what they were going through.”

“Coach told the captains to handle it… But this was a mental illness. That wasn’t something we could handle.”

“So to have someone that’s been through it and that can talk you through it, I think it would be a tremendous help.”

Program for

Athlete Wellness

Improving athlete holistic wellness and team performance by addressing components beyond athletic skills and academic standards.

Get In Touch With Us

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