You’re in the right place!


Schedule With Us

Home base for The Well is currently in Toledo, Ohio. However, we are happy to connect virtually or in person.

Hourly appointments are available:

  • Mon & Fri -> 11:00am – 7:30pm
  • Tues, Wed, Thur -> Noon – 9:30pm
  • Saturday -> Noon – 6:00pm

Students and Young Professionals come to The Well with many different struggles. We believe that the Bible speaks to all of life’s issues. Therefore, we apply a Christ-centered worldview to any problem and have seen the Spirit at work.

Examples of issues that we regularly counsel include relationships, marriage and family issues, stress, anxiety, depression, abuse, eating disorders, pornography, addictions, etc…

We are happy to work with you through your topics as well.

Complete financial details can be seen when you click to Schedule. Some of our suggested offerings – 

  • 1st Meeting (50 mins) – FREE
  • Single Coaching Session (50 mins) –  $100.00 
    • Half off for college students!
  • Coaching Session Package – $400 (5 sessions, 50 mins each) 
    • Half off for college students!

*If you’re facing financial struggles, you can contact us:

Clicking the Scheduling button will direct you to where you can schedule a time! After scheduling, you will receive a message regarding funding.

PayPal is the preferred method – Paypal now also allows money to be sent through Venmo and credit cards, whether you have a Paypal account or not!

Square is another option presented in the message after scheduling. (Checks can be accepted as well.)

*If you’re facing financial struggles, you may contact us:

At this time, The Well does not work with third-party insurers nor provide the diagnostic codes needed for reimbursement.

However, Well of Life Coaching does accept HSA plans and offers many discounts. All coaching and counseling charges are due prior to confirming an appointment.

Please consider supporting us!

We would love for Well of Life Coaching to offer free services to those struggling. Donations allow us to help those who cannot afford it, and we will be happy to tell you how your donation helped someone!

Well of Life Coaching Questionnaire

A few questions to get to know you before your First Meeting.

Our 7 Stages of WELLness

Check out The Process

These can happen quickly or slowly, but we understand that everyone is different. Rushing you through is not good for lasting change, but coddling you will keep you from progressing. We will work to equip you biblically for every step of your journey!

Stage 01


– Get to know you
– Hear the problem
– Acquiring details
– How The Well can help!

Stage 02


– Review Questionnaire
– God’s role & presence
– Acknowledge desired changes 

Stage 03


– Analyze state of self 
– Set Goals 
– Power of Prayer

Stage 04


– Assess your role
– Establish action steps to goal
– Getting to the Root

Stage 05


– Progress of action steps
– Stumbling blocks
– Processing progression

Stage 06


– Redemption
– Recovery
– Healing

Stage 07


– Continued holistic growth
– Applying biblical wise counsel
– Deepening relationship with God
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Well of Life Coaching